Today is/was filming day! This has been a long-waited for day and I was so excited to embark upon this journey. I had been preparing these past couple of weeks for editing as I understand just how much it can be.. I've taken tips and tricks from previous students on how to make this process easier and more enjoyable. I already had the location set and the different places I wanted to film, I just needed to start! Today was the day that I would actually film my ideas and turn my storyboard into the real thing. I was a bit nervous as I wasn't sure how I would be able to capture certain shots, but I was able to overcome some of these obstacles.
Slight update, I still have not heard back from the artists, "Almost Monday" so I will resort to YouTube Library for more copyright free music! I wanted to update you guys since I know my last blog was talking about how I still haven't heard from them, which is okay.
I did have a set back with my project, an unfortunate one. One of my actors was unable to be there for filming day. This threw me for a LOOP! What was I supposed to do on filming day when one of my actors could not be there to act their role?? I had already written out each shot and already had the main characters established. I tried not to freak out, as I knew that this would not set me back. With the assistance of my sister, I was able to solve the problem. I would now be the replacement for the actor who was originally supposed to play the creepy man. I was thinking about the various shots I wanted to get, and realized that I would still be able to capture each moment as long as I could wisely record at specific angles.
I had my actors, (my sister and her amazing friend) and it was AMAZING!! They were very hard-working and were able to give me an outsiders input, which opened my eyes a lot to the production of the opening. Some shots I thought would be captivating, but might not have translated across the screen. I had so much fun filming and directing. We also got our steps in considering the fact that we were walking around the UM campus, which requires a considerable amount of walking. I love walking and UM has a beautiful campus so I was able to work on my project in the nature and throughout the campus.
Filming has taught me a lot about the different possibilities available to me and all that I can do at the convenience of my phone, which sounds insane. I'm rambling once again!! But yes, filming was amazing and I look forward to editing. I want to expand my horizons with media and the different options I have to create something at the touch of my finger. I did not run into many problems when it came to recording, and I actually got to meet a lot of new, cool people. I am very social, which I found helped me a lot with my filming because I was able to ask people if they wanted to be in my opening. I started off my approach to each person I wanted in my film by telling them the premise of my intro. I know many people do not consent to being filmed without knowing what the purpose is, which I totally understand. I clarified to each person that this was for a project! I got great responses from people and they were very willing to be in my film. Funny enough, I was also asked to be featured in another groups project. However, their project was not school related.
All in all, I had so much fun and I look forward to editing! I never thought I would have so much fun in a process that could be deemed as stressful.
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